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Fun facts about Itility

Did you know that at Itility, we refer to our teammates as "Itilians"? This term embodies a sense of unity and belonging, signifying that you're part of our extended team. (Upon joining, you'll also be dubbed a "newbie" for the initial month of your journey with us.)

Did you know that we have our own beer?

Did you know...

...that our beer is called PILSI? PILSI is an acronym that stands for Passie (Passion), Inhoud (Content), Leveren (Deliver), Samen (Together), Innovatie (Innovation). 

Did you know...

...that this came about due to the graduation project of one of our leading Itilians? She's still spearheading the PILSI culture within Itility.

Did you know...

...that the flavor of the last batch was determined by a vote of all Itilians during one of our Xmas Samen events, and that a group of Itilians was present to perfect the chosen flavor at the brewery? 

Did you know...

...that we not only have custom beer coasters to accompany the beer, but that the beer is also featured in the UnTappd app? 

Facts about us

Did you know we have our own Itility World-Map?

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a large map adorning the hallway wall, illustrating the world of Itility. Every member of the Itility team contributed to its creation, suggesting landmarks, place names, points of interest, and shaping the landscape. 

Did you know Itilians have a dedicated space for non-work related activities?

This area is equipped with a pool table, ping-pong table, football table, opportunities for online gaming, and a dartboard. Additionally, Itilians can opt for traditional board games for some old-fashioned fun. 

Did you know we have specialized trainings?

As part of our development program, every employee who has been with Itility for at least a year is invited to a two-day leadership training. During this immersive experience, participants are paired with a dog, providing insights into their leadership style.

Did you know that we follow a double donation policy?

When an Itilian contributes to a charity, they have the option to request one of our Directors to match their donation. And then Itility matches those two donations.

Did you know we host events called 'Samen'?

Three to four times per year, we host a 'Samen' event. Its purpose is to cultivate a sense of unity among Itilians. Attendees receive updates on the company's going on’s, engage in breakout sessions, enjoy good food together, and wrap up the day with a lively party.

Did you know...

...that our Xmas-edition is the most elaborate of them all. It's the event where we spare no expense, hosting it at a fantastic venue, dressing up, and presenting awards. Each year, it's the occasion where we unveil our very own Christmas song, created by and with Itilians. And we capture a memorable group photo featuring all attendees. This photo is then enlarged and prominently displayed within our office space.

Did you know...

...we also hold an annual Family Day, extending a warm welcome to the entire family. It's a day dedicated to cherishing each other's company, engaging in enjoyable activities, and sharing drinks together. This event serves as a token of appreciation for the dedication and hard work of Itilians throughout the year, as well as for their families.

Did you know...

...that our seasonal Samens' sessions are organized around a central theme, to enhance skills relevant to serving our customers. Often conducted in team settings, they offer an opportunity to acquaint yourself with other Itilians whom you may not encounter on a daily basis.

Fun with events

Did you know we have our own Itility Forest?

To represent the growth of each Itilian in a physical way, ánd to offset our carbon footprint, Itility came up with the “Itilitree”. This means that there is one tree planted in our dedicated Itility forest for every Itilian. Each new team member receives a tree-voucher and can opt to either plant the tree personally or let us plant it. Additionally, a wooden plaque is handed out to name the tree, ensuring it can easily be located when you would visit the Itility forest.

Did you know that we like to do sports and events together?

Every year, you have the opportunity to sign up through Itility for the Eindhoven Marathon. There are various categories to choose from, including the kids' run, 5K, 10K, half marathon and the full marathon. Or create your own challenge, like two Itilians who participate annually in the own-invented “5K Clean-Run”, where they focus on gathering litter along the route. And before and after all those runs, we gather just before the finish line at our home-base restaurant “La Fontana” to cheer all runners while enjoying pizza and prosecco.


We don't have just one, but two Itility forests. One is located near Eersel. When it reached its maximum capacity, we had to find a new location. That location became 'Het Voedselbos' (food forest) in Eindhoven, combining not only carbon offsetting but also biodiversity in more sustainable ways of growing food.


To tap into our inner child, we sometimes organize game nights in the office. Whether it's board games, online gaming, or for those seeking more active pursuits, a Nerf war game in the office corridors. There is something to be had for everyone…