To me, Itility is the ‘work-home’ I never knew existed but spend the first 6 years of my career searching for. Both during my time at university and my first jobs, I found myself tackling challenges by bridging the gap between technology and people. Whilst doing so gave me great satisfaction, I got restless after each major challenge was completed and brought under control. Switching employers every one to two years kept me motivated, but to me, this was not a sustainable career path.
Five years ago, I came across Itility, an IT consultancy company. Whilst consultancy was new to me, the concept quickly made sense. I got to;
1. Tackle complex IT and data challenges to help clients
meet their business goals,
2. Work with high motivated and capable teams,
3. Stay at a great employer in the process.
Itility has proven to really get what I and my teams need to be successful. Here you are actively shaping your own career path. I
started out using my experience in Scrum to guide several IT teams and voiced that I really wanted to focus on the data and software domain. At the first opportunity, I moved to the Product Owner’s position at our Data Factory. From there, I got the opportunity to work with many interesting clients on their complex challenges. Due to the guidance of extremely knowledgeable seniors, my learning curve stayed as steep as possible. Allowing me to keep extending my responsibilities, where now I am the senior and have the opportunity to guide many of our younger colleagues along their journey.